
Houzz | Best of Remodeling 2012

This past week, we received notice that MYD had been selected as 'Best of Remodeling' 2012 by the online Houzz community of over 1.2 million members. It wasn't too long ago that we had posted about one of our images being featured on the popular site, and we're honored to be recognized in the Design category for the Los Angeles region.

For more images and details on the winning design-build project, read the complete blog post and announcement, or stop by our site's design page

Also, for more information about the award, read this press release or visit the 'Best of Remodeling' page at Houzz and check out all the award-winning projects. While you're there, start your own Houzz account and find design, decor and remodeling inspiration from one of the largest databases of residential imagery available on the web.
Cheers! MYD
houzz interior design ideas